Interview with Dr. Thomas A. Pane - RxBra

Interview with Dr. Thomas A. Pane

At RxBra we get a lot of women going through Mommy Makeovers. We got a chance to sit down with Dr. Thomas Pane, who specializes in these procedures out of Miami FL to ask him some of the most frequently asked questions we get from our customers.

RxBra: What are the most common procedures for a Mommy makeover?
Dr. Pane: Usually a breast lift with implant and a tummy tuck. If there is no breast drooping, a breast augmentation without lift is sufficient.

RxBra: Who are the best candidates for a mommy makeover package?
Dr. Pane: Patients who are otherwise healthy or with controlled medical problems are good candidates. It is best if childbearing is completed. But sometimes patients want to look better now, knowing that their results can be affected if they go on to have children after surgery.

RxBra: Do you recommend that they all be done at once or spread out over a few months?
Dr. Pane: I safely complete all mommy makeovers at a single setting as an outpatient. If someone needs additional extensive surgery such as arm/thigh lifts, I will sometimes do the work in stages. If someone has very droopy breasts and wants a large augmentation, they may need to have a second breast procedure as it can be difficult to get their desired result in one operation.

RxBra: Do you often combine surgical procedures with non surgical, and are those done on separate appointments?
Dr. Pane: It is possible to do a filler or a neuromodulator on the same day, but they are usually done separately. Something like an ablative facial laser can be done at the same time, but again due to different recovery care, that is best done separately.

RxBra: What’s the time for when women feel fully recovered for each of these procedures?
Dr. Pane: In my hands, people are almost always back to work by one week. I don’t want heavy lifting for six weeks. Most people feel perfectly fine by 2-3 weeks, though scars will mature and heal over a year or more, and the breasts settle over 12 weeks.

RxBra: Any Advice for women considering a mommy makeover?
Dr. Pane: Choose an experienced surgeon and it is best to be done with childbearing and be at a stable weight and health status before going ahead.

About Dr Thomas Pane:
Dr. Pane practices in Palm Beach Gardens and Miami, and performs a wide range of cosmetic plastic surgery procedures. He has board certification in Plastic Surgery and Surgery and has published peer-reviewed work on Brazilian Butt Lift surgery. The practice handles all standard areas of cosmetic plastic surgery as well as cosmetic gynecology procedures such as labiaplasty.

Instagram @drthomaspane

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